Thursday, October 4, 2012

...Practice Ombre.

O.M.Goodness! Has it been over a month since I last posted? My apologies to you all (and hey!) look at my visitor count. It went from 40 views to one month LOL. It's pathetic, but I am happy nonetheless.

I've been MIA due to two broken nails along with gyming 7 days a week for 2-3 hours each day. Whenever there's an opportunity I take it upon myself to beautiful my nails and Lord knows the gym physical training has left my nails dull!

If anyone know me knows that I love practicing ombre nails. However, when there's good there's also bad. I have a lot of reason why I hate doing ombre one being that it completely takes an entire bottle to do just 10 nails in ONE sitting. Okay...I'm being dramatic, but it takes a lot of nail polish to do ombre, at least 15-20% of the bottle for a decent ombre finish.

Usually I do ombre on cheap nail polish but lately I wanted to try on my Chanels. I used two different collection -- Les Jeans de Chanel using Coco Blue and Blue boy and Spring 2012 Collection using April, May, and June.

Les Jeans: Coco Blue and Blue Boy. I painted my 2 coat Nutranail Thickener with Green Tea as my base. After drying I painted 1 coat of China Glaze White Out. After it dries, I used a make up sponge for dabbing the nail polish on. I apply 2 different color on the sponge -- top is a stripe of China Glaze White Out and bottom stripe is the blended colors or Chanel Coco Blue and Blue Boy. Keep in mind that I blend the two colors prior to dabbing. Continue to dab until you find a perfect gradient/ ombre effect. The more you dab the brighter the color. Wait until it dries completely then apply a top coat. I usually use Seche Vite. It literally dry within 2 minutes and leaves my nails shiny for days on end.

Spring 2012 Collection: April, May, June. With this ombre I did not blend any colors prior together. I use the same method to dab on the 3 colors as I did for ALL of my ombre using a sponge. After nail prep, I pick the lightest color as my base -- I ALWAYS pick the lightest color to apply on my entire nail. Repeat the method of applying the polish on to the sponge and keeps dabbing until you get the perfect gradient/ ombre effect.

I promise on the next post I will show you a tutorial. It's a lot easier to do it through and not having to stop in between steps to take pictures. It was such a hassle, but it turned out great so I'm not complaining. :D

Until next post my fellow readers (again, or lack thereof), keep painting those nails.